Why Rodan+Fields

I started working with Rodan+Fields less than a year ago and I’m amazed with what has happened to me. I’m not free from my regular 9-to-5 job…yet. My business is steadily growing and I’m reaching a tipping point where people are starting to approach me about Rodan+Fields. They want to know about the products, but, most importantly, they want to know how I’m doing.

Just so you know, I’m doing great.

Next, they want to know why I chose Rodan+Fields. There’s constant support. A well-developed brand. And, quality products that keep my preferred customers coming back for more, month after month. I pretty much got a jump start on my own business and it’s starting to pay dividends.

I created this short video to show you all why I love Rodan+Fields. Hope you enjoy it!

Rodan+Fields Success Stories

I am living proof that Rodan+Fields can provide the financial freedom we’re all looking for. If you haven’t checked out my “About Me” page, here’s a refresher. I’ve been dating and married to my spouse for almost nine years. We both went to college, got Master’s Degrees, and started working our way up the corporate ladder. In 2008, my stepmother-in-law and father-in-law tragically passed away and my husband and I became guardians of my teenaged sister-in-law. We lived in Seattle at the time and, despite our excellent educations, couldn’t afford a big enough place to live in within 45 minutes of our jobs. Rather than spend about 2 hours each day commuting, we both relocated to Tucson where the cost of living is much more affordable. We bought a house and had our first child together. Times were good.

Then things started to get complicated. My husband’s work started drying up. He was furloughed in 2011 and formally laid off earlier this year (2012). Fortunately, we saw this coming in advance and started making plans for the inevitable– losing our family breadwinner’s income. My husband started looking for a new job while I took a totally different approach.

I knew he needed to find a new job in the short term, but, in the long-term, we both really needed to find a way out of the Two-Income Trap– you know, the cycle of ever-increasing expenses that have to be covered with our stagnant or decreasing income. We needed to figure out how to make money that wasn’t dependent upon anyone but ourselves. It needed to be a way that only brought increasing income as the work load was ever decreasing.

That’s when I found out about Rodan+Fields.

Simply put, this company has given me opportunities that I would never have had working in my university job. It has given my family a way out and put us on a pathway to financial freedom. I’m a business owner. I’m creating my own stimulus package. I’m my own boss. And the best thing is, ALL I DO IS HELP OTHER PEOPLE! I know it sounds crazy, but I don’t do any selling. It’s true. All I do is talk to people about their problems, their dreams, and tell them what I’m doing to realize my dreams. That’s it!

Now that doesn’t mean it’s all easy. I spend a bunch of time talking on the phone with my customers and the members of Executive Team. I also have to take care of my website, send emails, and host parties at my house from time to time. But I do all of my Rodan+Fields work in the evenings after my son is asleep and on weekends. For now, I still work at the university, but that may be a thing of the past in a year or so the way my Rodan+Fields business is going.

My story is nothing short of amazing, but its not unique. Check out these other Rodan+Fields success stories:

And this is just a few of the many that have escaped the Two-Income Trap and are free to live their dreams. I’m also going to be there very soon.

Email me or check out my website if you want to know more. I really want to help you out. The time is now! Send me an email right away.

My Rodan+Fields Results

If a picture tells a thousand words, a video tells one hundred times that. I can tell you all day long about the benefits of using Rodan+Fields products, but why not listen to the doctors that created it?

That’s pretty convincing, but, if you’re anything like me, I know what you’re still thinking, “Of course the makers are going to say good stuff. It’s their product.” The truth is, hundreds of women across the country are still seeing results from the various Rodan+Fields systems. Check this out:

And this:

Several of my own customers have noticed major results as well, but I can only speak truthfully about my own experience. I’m a firm believer of seeing is believing, so I started using the Reverse and Unblemish Systems myself before I signed on with Rodan+Fields. I felt like I couldn’t stand behind a product that I didn’t believe in because my reputation would be on the line once I became a consultant. I didn’t really see any improvement right away, but within a month I was amazed to see my skin get clearer and brighter. Living in Arizona, the abundant sunlight is a constant threat to my complexion, so the Reverse System is perfect for lightening dark spots and reversing sun damage. Unblemish tackled my acne and removed any blemish marks I had.

So after using these products for about five months, here’s what happened.The before picture is on the left and the after photo is on the right.

Big difference, huh? The sunspots I had been collecting were removed within a few months. The blemishes that were making my skin red in the before photo are also gone. And that was only after 5 months! What else can I say? Rodan+Fields worked for me. And if it worked for me, you can rest assured that it will work for you.

If you’re interested in clearer, brighter, healthier skin send me an email or go to my website. I’ll see you there.

AMP-MD System: Revolutionize your Skin Care

The best spent minute in anti-aging. We developed the patent-pending ANTI-AGE AMP MD System to amp up your anti-aging results. AMP MD is a non-invasive, skincare roller clinically proven to safely and effectively condition the uppermost layers of the skin to allow for maximum benefits associated with the skin-transforming ingredients of ANTI-AGE Night Renewing Serum. Recommended for use in conjunction with the ANTI-AGE Regimen for best anti-aging results. System contains reusable AMP MD roller, two month supply of Night Renewing Serum, reusable Cleansing Vial and two month supply of Purification Tablets.

The AMP MD system is my number one selling product! I get more questions about this one product than anything else. From professional aestheticians to soccer moms, everyone has heard of this product and the wonders it can do for your skin. Check out this demonstration:

Ask me how you can get ahold of this revolutionary system.